Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Random animal facts. This Friday my families first mobile game effort, Aniballs, will launch for android phones. So here's some animal randomness.

Groundhogs and woodchucks are the same animal. Marmota monax is also known as a whistle pig or land beaver.

A honey badger's skin is to tough it can withstand several machete hits.

Koalas are not bears.

Scientists sent a group of fruit flies into space in 1947. They were used to study radiation exposure.

The first monkey, Albert II, was sent into space in 1949. He did not survive the impact at re-entry. Several other monkeys were sent into space afterwards, but it wasn't until May of 1959 that Abel and Baker survived the trip and were able to be recovered after re-entry. This was just 2 years before Alan Shepard became the first American to go into space.

Rabbits are not rodents. They are Lagomorphs.

Pet dogs account for an average of 31 deaths in the US every year. Bee stings cause about  55. Sharks and mountain lions cause an average of 1 each in the US. Humans are still the deadliest animal.

Bulls are color blind.

A hummingbird's feet are too poorly developed for them to actually walk on.

Some frogs hear with their lungs.

Bats are the only known mammal that can fly.

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